Angelique Bouquet

Angelique Bouquet (USA and Canada delivery)

Angelique Bouquet The Angelique Bouquet blooms with sweet sophistication and gorgeous grace to create a special moment for your recipient. Stunning arrangement of cream roses mixed with deep purple double lisianthus and monte casino asters. Presented in a clear gathered square glass vase tied at the neck with an amber wired taffeta ribbon, this bouquet is an exquisite way to extend your warmest wishes and affection.

STANDARD bouquet is approximately 14H x 12W.
DELUXE bouquet is approximately 21H x 16W.
PREMIUM bouquet is approximately 22H x 17W.


Same-day florist delivery is available
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Same-day florist delivery is available for Angelique Bouquet, for orders placed before Noon in the recipient's timezone.

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